Many of us believe that certain symptoms and imbalances in our sex hormones that we experience are both inevitable and normal. It appears that we are destined to be using “Little Blue Pills” and dealing with a lack of sex drive as we age.
We believe and accept that men are supposed to lose their sexual function as they age and inevitably they will need Viagra to sustain their sex life.
We believe and accept that women have to suffer with mood issues and behavior swings from puberty, PMS, perimenopause and post-partum depression. Also that they will lose their emotional, physical and sexual vitality as they age.
Take a look at our sex hormone balance questionnaire below to see if you are dealing with sex hormone imbalance. The number of symptoms you are experiencing and the severity is a good indication of the degree of imbalance you are experiencing.
Next time, some tips on supporting your sex hormones with nutrition. In the meantime, if you would like help getting things back to realignment we’d be happy to help you. In addition to helping you understand what nutrients your body needs to make sex hormones, we offer micronutrient and other blood testing (such as sex hormone levels) so that we can get a window into what’s really going on with you and help you in a targeted way.
Sex Hormone Balance Questionnaire:
Women, do you have:
( ) PMS (and perhaps cravings for sugar and salt)?
( ) Weight fluctuation throughout the month?
( ) Unexplained weight gain, especially around the middle?
( ) Edema, swelling, puffiness, water retention, bloating?
( ) Headaches or PMS migraines?
( ) Mood swings?
( ) Tender breasts?
( ) Depression or anxiety?
( ) An inability to cope?
( ) Backaches, joint or muscle pain?
( ) An irregular cycle?
( ) Infertility?
( ) Fibrocystic breasts, breast cysts or lumps?
( ) Uterine Fibroids?
( ) Hot flashes?
( ) Insomnia?
( ) Low libido?
( ) Dry skin, hair, vaginal tissue?
( ) Heart palpitations?
( ) Unwelcome hair growth?
( ) Poor memory or concentration?
Men, do you have:
( ) Reduced libido and vitality?
( ) Trouble achieving or maintaining an erection?
( ) Infertility or low sperm count?
( ) Loss of muscle?
( ) Increased abdominal fat?
( ) Fatigue and low energy?
( ) Loss of direction and sense of purpose?
( ) Bone loss or bone fractures?
( ) Increasing cholesterol?
( ) Increasing insulin or blood sugar?
( ) Physical weakness?
( ) Depression?