Problems I See with Cleanse Programs
Most cleanse programs are tough to stick to requiring a lot of restriction and will-power to get through them. The recommendations often result in reduced calories and, on the whole, not enough of the nutrients the body needs to function properly or in fact to detoxify.
I find that the majority of people I work with do not respond well in the long term to this type of regime. The rigidity can result in feelings of deprivation that mean that the cleanse will be pretty quickly undone after it is over. Some people can become addicted to the cleanse regime because they love the control and keep it going well past the point where it could have any health benefits.
What I Do Differently
In my opinion, most people benefit more in the long run getting educated and from making incremental changes in their food or lifestyle that they can sustain. My recommendation is to gradually implement changes in manageable chunks.
With my clients we review their health issues and their food journal to determine the most critical places to start and agree to a plan that is manageable for them. That way they can begin to make lasting changes that will start conferring benefits right away.
What is a Cleanse? What are the benefits?
Basically, it’s any kind of diet or lifestyle regimen that is aimed at detoxifying the body and restoring optimal health.
A cleanse is beneficial because a toxic environment can wreak havoc on your body. A cleanse can be a first step to:
- Prevent/ improve chronic health conditions
- Improve nutrient absorption
- Increase energy
- Improve metabolism
- Kick start weight loss
- Cope with stress better
- And more…..
Why Do We Need to Cleanse?
Many people ask why they would need to cleanse because the body is designed with incredible detoxification systems. But think about all of the toxins that are around us every single day;
- Pesticides/ herbicides
- Heavy metals
- Pharmaceuticals
- Food additives/ preservatives
- Cleaning products
- Cosmetics & skin care
- Exhaust fumes……..Etc.
Areas to Tackle:
1. Reducing the Toxic Load
Look at what you are doing in your life and where you can reduce your exposure. This can be getting educated on how to buy better food or changing your cleaning products. In my cleanse program we go through these areas bit by bit so you can address the areas you choose.
2. Helping the Body Eliminate Toxins
Digestive Support: A cleanse should ideally include some support for your digestive system to start and then keep your bowels moving regularly (and typically a little more than usual). Why? Because if your body starts to get rid of toxins they need a way to escape. If you are not regular then the toxins will stay in your system. Here are the supplements I like to use: Ultimate Aloe to gently start getting things regular andDigestive Enzymes to break down any built up fecal matter in the digestive tract.
Liver Support: The liver is a major organ of detoxification and it requires a variety of nutrients to do it’s work completely. There are two phases of detox that need support. B vitamins - These are required to support Phase I liver detoxification and many people do not get enough in their regular diet. Most people are not aware that amino acids, the building blocks of protein, are necessary to support liver detoxification and in fact many cleanses do not include enough and restrict protein intake.
To tackle these areas I suggest this supplement combination in conjunction with as clean of a diet as is realistic for you.
B Complex
OPC-3, an Antioxidant Formula
Liver Cleanse Supplements
3. Feeding and Nourishing the Body
We work on healthy dietary changes based on your personality, your body and your lifestyle. My clients have plenty to eat and do not feel hungry or deprived. This is not an all or nothing situation!!! Whatever improvements you can make are a step in the right direction. Cleansing is something you can work on everyday.