But here’s the problem….this completely ignores what is really going on!
Yes, antibiotics do kill bacteria but it is not just by a pure stroke of luck that some people get sick and others don’t. An undernourished individual is more likely to pick up an infection than someone with a strong nutritional status. Here the “environment” provided to the germs – the healthy or unhealthy body - plays a key part in the outcome.
In a similar way, the cause of most modern disease is a result of the interaction between our genes and the environment that we provide them. These diseases neither result from mystery bugs nor because our genes determine it but due to lifestyle factors that play into the environment that surrounds our genetic material.
It’s true - our genes are fixed! However, most people have an average of about 1000 genes that include a “typo” know as a gene SNP instead of the “normal” gene. These SNPs can mean our genes are more inclined to express themselves in an unhealthy way BUT this only occurs if lifestyle factors provide a poor environment for the genes. If we provide a good, healthy environment the genes behave well and we don’t get sick. So even though we might know about various health issues that we have been prone to in the past, or perhaps we know something about our own or our family history, we still have control over the situation.
Your Genes are NOT Your Destiny!
Maybe that’s an inconvenient concept for some people who for example might prefer to blame their diabetes on their family history and use prescription drugs to manage things. For those of us seeking optimal wellness though, this information is very empowering. It puts you in the driver’s seat because instead of running to the doctor for a solution to your chronic ailments you can work on a healthy environment for your genes – aka a healthy lifestyle.
Take a look at the aspects of your lifestyle mentioned below and consider how you are doing. Don’t let your genes dictate your destiny!
If you feel a need to make change and need some direction then please get in touch. We specialize in empowering people with a healthy lifestyle by helping them navigate change in a realistic way.
Quick Lifestyle Review:
- Your exposure to toxins – Are you eating processed foods containing additives, preservatives and dyes? Are you eating foods that have been exposed to pesticides, hormones or antibiotics? Do you use toxic cleaning supplies? Does you work expose you to toxins? Etc.
- Your stress levels – Think about your relationships, family, work & money. Are you managing your stress levels well? Do you have good ways to combat stress?
- Your exercise routine – Do you move your body regularly and incorporate stretching & strengthening to allow it to function in the way it was intended?
- What you eat – Do you eat whole foods that provide your body all of the nutrients it needs to function properly? This is surprisingly difficult to do due to the quality of our food supply.