Last week, I spent my entire weekend talking to people about Living Toxic Free. It was thrilling and eye-opening! I had a booth at the Denver VegFest. A place for Vegans to come together, learn, share, and experience. When I would start to ask these patrons about what they DO use at home for personal care and household cleaning products, I very quickly realized they were only focused on Cruelty Free – not harmful chemical free. This blew my mind. How do these people not know about this issue??? And then I realized, I never knew about harmful chemical free products until I had an unfortunate circumstance and needed to eliminate these ingredients from every product in my life. You can DO better when you KNOW better. When I saw the eyes beginning to glaze over, I realized that this topic, my message, the mission I am on, can feel overwhelming and scary. It doesn’t have to be.
Are you ready to Live Toxic Free?
- Be an ingredient detective. You don’t have to know all the ingredients of every single product. Chances are, if you cannot pronounce it, it’s a synthetic ingredient, made by man, in a lab, and more often than not, contaminated with unknown yuck. So be curious, turn your products around – don’t believe the marketing, because that’s all it is – marketing. What really matters is what’s IN the product, not what the company says about their product.
- Choose ONE area to begin changing over. Start with a product you use every day, or almost every day. Do you shower almost every day? Perhaps shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel would be a place to begin. Do you swipe your pit with a stick each morning? Maybe start with deodorant? As you run out of hand soap, replace it with a toxic free version. This will mean you might have to be more vigilant and plan – but slowly replacing as you run out is a great way to replace your products in about a year’s time.
- Find a company that offers everything you need. Make sure the company can be trusted 150%. Who has time for reading labels? Well, not really many people. Find a toxic free living consultant (like ME!) to work with. I have dedicated the last three and a half years to researching and learning about this topic. I endorse PUREhaven Essentials. Their products use the best of the best ingredients and they do not compromise on certain products here and there – many companies offer a good A but their B includes harmful ingredients. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
Contact Ann at: | [email protected] | 310.804.2874